Conference on Animal Rights in Europe (CARE) 2022
📣 SAVE THE DATE – this year CARE Conference in a hybrid edition (offline in Warsaw and online) will be taking place on August 26-28! ❤️
Conference on Animal Rights in Europe (CARE) is an international conference aimed at connecting and inspiring animal rights groups across Europe. Through workshops and networking opportunities, all groups can come together and empower each other to establish the best possible directions for the animal rights movement to take.
2022 edition will be especially useful for new organizations and activists from regions where the animal rights movement is less developed. 🌎
The conference is a chance to meet and grow with organisations and individuals, both new and established ones. By supporting its members through discussion and debate, the animal rights movement can evolve, strengthen, and solidify. While the movement may be made up of individuals, we believe that coming together to meet minds, exchange ideas, and share strategies reinforces the cause as a whole.
This year we will hopefully be able to do a hybrid event where you will be able to attend in-person or the online event. This will still provide unique networking opportunities both for anyone who is unable to travel as well as for all animal advocates who are able to attend in person
👉 More information soon –
[zdjęcie i opis pochodzą ze strony wydarzenia]
Data wydarzenia:
26.08.2022 - 28.08.2022
Godzina rozpoczęcia:
Collegium Iuridicum II, Warsaw, ul. Lipowa 4 + online event
Strona wydarzenia:ęp:
Szczegóły na stronie wydarzenia